My load was lighter this morning. Certainly in a literal sense. For the past few days, I've been carrying my backpack full of books: the Internal Revenue Code, 3 volumes of Income Tax Regulations, a textbook, etc. on top of my computer bag. But this morning, there was almost a bounce in my step as I only had the computer bag on my way into the library.
My load was also figuratively lighter. I certainly don't want to downplay the bar exam becuase it's importance is beyond measure. But having that last class and exam off my plate allow me to focus more narrowly now.
In light of that, I had a not fun discovery as I got into the shower this morning. My nose was running, there was slight tingle in my nose causing numerous sneezes, and I felt some congestion in my sinuses. I was not happy with this discovery. Could I realy be getting a cold? In the middle of July? I guess it could be allergies, but that does not make sense. It rained pretty hard yesterday which usually knocks allergents down, not stirs them up. So I am pretty sure I have a cold, or the beginnigs of one.
This is bad. It makes studying a more unpleasant experience. But it is worse because of the prospect of how long it will last. I've never been able to shake colds very quickly and symptoms seem to persist for quite some time. With the bar exam less than two weeks away, I'm wondering if I'll still be dealing with this then. First, it is bad because having your head bent over an exam sheet for 12 hours is not very comfortable when snot is trying to run out your nose. Second, I don't really enjoy the thought of 3,000+ bar applicants staring at me as I sniffle through the bar exam. (I'm not even going to entertain the thought of sneezing through the exam.)
So I am hoping that this unpleasantness will only last a day or two. Though the symptoms have been with me most of the day, they are not as bad as this morning. Let's just pray that today was an anomaly.
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