Friday, July 07, 2006

No More

As of 10:25 A.M. this morning, I don't have to ever go to another class again. That's right, today was the last day of class and the last class of my eductational career. Of course there is still the matter of the exam next week and fitting in studying for it for a few brief moments. And who could forget the bar exam is less than three (THREE?) weeks away. And even though the bar examiners have not sent my application back with a letter telling me what a funny joke it was, I still have not been officially OKed to be a member of the bar. So there is still much to accomplish in such a short little time. But I can't help but pause and ponder that fact that my school career is over. Sure, there will be CLE's and other educational things to do, but I have no school left. I mean, I've been doing this since I was in kindergarten, except for a brief stint between undergrand and my MBA program. School has been my life. It's all I know. I'm not sure I'm going to know what to do with myself come August. I'm so used to buying books and getting supplies in order that I may feel lost about the third week of August. But I am also looking forward to no homework, no reading assignments and having my evenings to do as I please. I certainly expect to work hard (should someone ever do something crazy like offer me a job) and know there will still be long days and work brought home. But not EVERY DAY. Not hanging over my head constantly. So I am looking forward to the freedom and the ability to be refreshed and read things at my own pleasure. But I may lapse into confusion when I am not attending classes with everyone else. So if you see me wandering aimlessly around a college campus, just take my hand, guide me somewhere safe and call my wife.

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